breast cancer assessment
breast cancer assessment

Early detection improves survival rates, allows for less aggressive treatments, and enhances your quality of life. Take a few minutes to complete our online breast cancer risk assessment to better understand your opportunity to stay healthy and make proactive steps for you and your family’s future.

Breast Cancer Assessment

Type of riskPoints 
Your ageClick box that applies
Family history (age of diagnosis)
Mother (under 50)20
Mother (over 50)12
Sister (under 50)20
Sister (over 50)12
More than one aunt, cousin, or grandmother5
One aunt, cousin, or grandmother3
Personal history
You have had a previous breast cancer25
You have had breast surgery showing atypia15
You have had multiple benign biopsies4
You have had a benign breast biopsy3
You have had a previous cancer of the ovary or uterus2
You have dense breast tissue4
You are 30 years old or older and have never had a child2
You had your first child at age 30 or older2
Menstrual history
Menstruation began at age 11 or younger2
Menopause occurred at 55 or older2
Menopause occurred between 46 and 541
Body build
You are overweight, with extra weight in the upper body (apple shape)2
You are overweight, with extra weight in the thighs and buttocks (pear shape)1
You eat a high-fat diet (fried foods, deli, meat, cheese)1
Post-menopausal hormones
You are presently taking or have taken female estrogen and progesterone (PREMPRO®) for more than 5 years2
You had natural menopause and have taken estrogen and progesterone (PREMPRO®) for more than 10 years3
Total score

Your present risk of developing breast cancer may be estimated by comparing your total score to the chart below. However, this is only an approximate value, and if you develop any symptoms you should consult your doctor immediately.


Average Risk


Moderate Risk


High Risk


Highest Risk

Women at average risk need yearly mammography starting at age 40 (baseline at age 35), and yearly clinical breast exam.

See recommendations above. In addition, we recommend a clinical breast exam with a breast specialist, which should include a discussion of breast cancer prevention strategies.

You need all of the above plus a thorough evaluation of your family history and possible genetic testing for genetic mutations. The benefits and risks of new drugs to reduce breast cancer risk should be reviewed. Increased surveillance with more frequent breast exams and advanced breast imaging tests (such as MRI) should be considered.

Women at highest risk for breast cancer usually have a very strong family history of breast and ovarian cancer and can test positive for a genetic mutation. They need to avail themselves to all risk reduction strategies. These women should be under the care of a surgeon specializing in breast disease, who can oversee an intensive an individualized screening program.